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Apricot is one of the most widely grown fruit in the Fergana and Zarafshan valleys of Uzbekistan. The importance of apricots is very high, they are consumed fresh, as well as in the form of peel and processed. Fresh apricots contain 8.4-19.0% of sugar, 0.3-1.7% of various apples and a small amount of tartaric acid, 0.1-1.6% of pectin, as well as vitamins A and C, sorrel. Dried apricot contains 80% and more sugar. The core of most apricots grown in Uzbekistan is sweet and eaten like almonds. It contains 45-58% fat and about 28-30% protein.

The amygdalin substance, technical and edible oil, is extracted from the bitter core of apricots. Activated charcoal is made from the husk of the grain. Apricots are used to make various compotes, jams, jams, jams, pastilles, marmalades, jellies, candied fruits, candies and juices.

The apricot is a very ancient fruit tree, native to Armenia, but later discovered to be Chinese. At the same time it is also confirmed that the homeland of apricots is Central Asia, because there are still those that grow here in the wild.

Because apricots are rich in biochemical content, they are important in maintaining human health. Consequently, scientists write that apricot kernels contain 30-50% fat, amygdalin glycoside and emulsion glycoside, consisting of oleic and linoleic acids. The flesh of the fruit contains up to 27% of sugar (mainly sucrose), dextrin, carotene, lycopene, vitamin C, additives, starch, quercetin, isoquercetin. Since apricots contain provitamin A, nicotinic acid, vitamins C and B15, as well as 305 mg% potassium salts (1717 mg% in dried fruits), it is prescribed for cardiovascular diseases. Apricots are also consumed as a source of vitamins A, PP, C and B15.

The great person, doctor Abu Ali ibn Sina used apricot fruit and glue to improve gastrointestinal function. It is said that the fruit gives medicine and cures anemia. Potassium salts in it cure patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. He recommended a tea made from apricot kernels to the upset. It has also been used in the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory tract, whooping cough, nephritis.

At present, a variety of processed apricot products, such as canned apricot juice, compote, jam, as well as dried products such as dried apricots, kayas, pickles, can be provided to the population throughout the year.


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