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  • Product category: Dried fruits

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Small description

Dried apple - dried fruit, apples of cultivated and wild varieties, dried in the sun or in artificial dryers. Properly dried apples have an elastic texture, do not break, do not stick together and do not give juice. Varieties of apples with sweet or sweet-sour pulp are soft and tasteless when dry, therefore they are not suitable for drying. Dried apples from early varieties quickly lose their flavor and color. Dried apples are used to make compotes, usually mixed with other dried fruits.Dried wild apples are often included in fruit teas.

Depending on the method of processing and the type of raw materials, dried apples are divided into peeled, unpeeled, processed with a salt solution, as well as simple, vine-dried and forest. Raw apples sorted by size are cleaned from the core and skin and cut into rings, slices or halves. To avoid darkening, the cut fruits are placed in a 0.20% sulfuric acid solution for 2-3 minutes, fumigated with sulfur or treated with a salt solution. With simple, vine or forest drying, apple raw materials are not processed with solutions.

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