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Biohumus (vermicompost)

  • Product category: Other

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Small description

Vermicompost is a type of fertilizer that is close to natural soil and is obtained by passing rotting waste through the body of the California red worm: manure, compost, bird droppings, sawdust, straw, plant heaps.

Biohumus can be dry (dispersed) and liquid (dissolved in water).

The microorganisms contained in it create conditions for enriching the soil with aerobic, anaerobic and microelements. It also normalizes the mechanical density of the soil.

Useful properties of vermicompost:

  • significantly accelerates seed germination;
  • actively stimulates seedling growth and root formation;
  • enriches the soil and improves nutrient absorption;
  • reduces acidity and improves soil structure (water and air permeability);
  • increases plant immunity to various diseases and helps to recover from them;
  • helps increase resistance to adverse environmental conditions (lack of moisture, temperature changes, etc.);
  • significantly increases the total vegetative mass;
  • stimulates plant flowering;
  • accelerates the ripening of fruits, increases their yield and quality.

It is necessary to pay attention to the norms for introducing vermicompost into the soil. Infertile soil is subjected to laboratory analysis, then vermicompost is added in quantities as recommended by specialists. Crops grown in soil with vermicompost are resistant to diseases faster and ripen more quickly.

There are several ways. Adding vermicompost to the soil when planting seeds has a beneficial effect. When and how much to add vermicompost to the soil should be done based on the recommendations of agricultural technologists.

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