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Technical Hydrogen (H2)

  • Product category: Chemical products

  • Suppliers:0

Small description

Technical hydrogen, obtained from a nitric-hydrogen mixture and water electrolysis, is used in the chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, electronic and other industries.

Technical requirements

Name of the indicators

Standard for grades



Volume fraction of hydrogen in terms of dry gas, %, not less than



Volume fraction of oxygen and nitrogen, %, max



Mass concentration of water vapor at 20°С and 101.3 kPa g/m3 is not


- in pipelines

- in pressurized containers









Safety requirements: Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, combustible gas. Forms an explosive mixture with air and oxygen. Hydrogen is physiologically inert; causes suffocation at high concentrations. When working in a hydrogen environment, it is necessary to use an insulating gas mask.

Transportation: in steel cylinders with a capacity of 40 and 50 dm3, as well as by pipeline Cylinders in special containers are transported by road.

Storage: cylinders filled with hydrogen are stored in special warehouses or in open areas under a canopy that protects the cylinders from atmospheric precipitation and direct sunlight.

Guaranteed shelf life of the product in cylinders is 3 years.

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