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Ammonia water technical (NH4OH)

  • Product category: Chemical products

  • Suppliers:0

Small description

Ammonia water technical - colorless transparent liquid, with a characteristic pungent odor, not containing mechanical impurity. Miscible with water and alcohol in all proportions.

Ammonia water technical is issued two grades: "A" and "B".

  • brand "A" is used in various industries.
  • grade "B" in agriculture: as a nitrogen fertilizer.

From an economic point of view, the nitrogen of this type of fertilizer is the cheapest. The highest effect from the use of ammonia is achieved with the autumn application to the soil, it is better retained by the soil than ammonium nitrogen of solid fertilizers.

Technical requirements

Name of the indicators





clear colorless or yellowish liquid

Mass fraction of ammonia, %, not less than

in terms of nitrogen,%, not less than


Not the norm.



Mass concentration of non-volatile residue, g/dm3, not more than


Not the norm.

Mass concentration of carbon dioxide, g/dm3, no more

Not the norm.


Safety requirements: non-flammable and non-explosive liquid. Water ammonia belongs to the 4th hazard class. When working, use personal protective equipment and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Transportation: transported by rail, road and water transport in pressurized vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

The product of grade "A" is transported in railway tanks and ammonia carriers.

The product of brand "B" is transported in tanks with bottom discharge and ammonia carriers.

Storage: in sealed containers indoors or in containers specially designed for storage.

Guaranteed shelf life: 1 year from the date of manufacture.

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