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  • Product category: Food and Beverages

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Small description

Kurt is a fermented milk product. Kurt was invented by the nomadic peoples of Central Asia. It is a dried concentrate obtained from natural milk with a natural concentrate – salt.

Over 60 percent of kurt consumers are children. And this is no coincidence. The benefits of kurt for children are undeniable. It promotes the growth of normal intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system. Kurt is absorbed by the body faster and easier than regular milk.

The unique composition of biocurt is useful for both children and adults. Kurt contains a lot of vitamin A, which improves vision and promotes growth. The unique composition of biokurt is useful for both children and adults.

Kurt has a lot of vitamin A, which improves vision, promotes human growth, cell renewal and skin rejuvenation. Calcium, which is so rich in kurt, improves metabolism in the body and strengthens bone tissue.

Vitamin E, present in kurt, slows down the aging process of cells, enriching the blood with oxygen and preventing the formation of blood clots.

Kurt neutralizes overly fatty foods. A delicious fermented milk product helps to endure heat more easily and is recommended for use in countries with a hot climate.

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