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  • Product category:Fruits

  • View (Varieties): Vimpel

Small description

Description: The variety is medium-ripe, its tree is tall, the branches are wide, and it bears fruit in the fifth year after planting.

The fruit is ovoid, slightly sunken, hairless, yellowish in color, pale yellow, reddish-brown, large, fleshy yellow, dense, sour-sweet taste, the taste of the fruit at the time of ripening - 4.8 points.

Fruit weight: average - 23 g.

Yield: 170, 2 cwt/ ha, maximum 193.1 cwt/ ha.

Ripening period: first ten days of July.

Creation: Created in the Central Asian branch of the All-Union Research Institute of Botany. Author: K.V. Vasilev.

Distribution: Tashkent, Bukhara, Namangan, Navoi, Fergana

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