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  • Product category: Spices

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Scientists of the Bоtanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan conducted research on the feasibility of cultivation of this plant in our country. The results showed that the saffron fully corresponds to soil and climatic conditions of the republic, can be grown in the mountain and foothill areas of the Fergana Valley, Tashkent, Samarkand, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Navoi and Jizzakh regions, and in inter-rows in vineyards and gardens. In complementary medicine, saffron has long been used for treatment of many diseases. Abu Ali ibn Sino wrote that saffron tincture improves eye vision, the work of the heart and respiratory system.

In the course of scientific research, domestic scientists revealed that climatic conditions of the country allow growing such valuable medicinal plants as Alexandria leaf, valerian medicinal, madder dye, lavender medicinal, erva, rosemary officinalis, and others. The proposals on the establishment of pilot plantations of these plants have already been submitted. They are capable of replacing imports, and are demanded on the external market. The project would trigger the creation of a separate industry in agriculture specializing in the procurement of saffron and other medicinal plants, and thereby the provision of pharmaceutical, perfumery and food industries with domestic raw materials.

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