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Nitric acid non-concentrated (HNO3)

  • Product category: Chemical products

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Small description

Non-concentrated nitric acid is intended for the production of ammonium nitrate, complex fertilizers, for oxidizing processes of pickling metals, for the needs of the national economy and for export.

Technical requirements

Name of the indicators







colorless or yellow liquid without mechanical impurities

Mass fraction of nitric acid, %, not less than




Mass fraction of nitrogen oxides (in terms of N2O4),%, no more




Mass fraction of residue after calcination, %, no more



0,05 |

Note: in agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to produce a premium product with a mass fraction of calcined residue not more than 0.01%.

Safety requirements: nitric acid is a non-flammable, flammable liquid, upon contact with many combustible materials, it causes spontaneous combustion. It is an energetic oxidizing agent; animal and plant tissues are destroyed when exposed to nitric acid. Nitric acid is toxic. Vapors of nitric acid and nitrogen oxides irritate the upper respiratory tract, cause conjunctivitis, and affect the corneas of the eye.

Nitric acid is hygroscopic. In the air, it smokes heavily, releasing nitrogen oxides and nitric acid vapors, which form fog with air moisture. Nitric acid, not concentrated in terms of toxicity, belongs to the 3rd hazard class.

Packing: poured into glass bottles, barrels, tightly closed vessels made of stainless steel and tanks.

Transportation: by all means of transport (except for aviation) in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Storage: in stainless steel containers, barrels or bottles in covered warehouses at a temperature not exceeding + 40°C.

Guaranteed shelf life: 6 months from the date of manufacture.

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