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Sweet cherry

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Sweet Cherry

Sweet Cherry is grown in hot climates. It is one of the most common fruit crops in Central Asia. Cultivated cherries are derived from the wild species. Cherry is a tall tree up to 10-15 meters, sparsely branched, with few thick branches. The buds in the dormant state are few, so the twigs do not recover well when the main parts are dry. Cherries bloom in early April, early varieties ripen in early May, and in some cases in late April. The vegetation period lasts 240-250 days.

Some cherry trees live 80-100 years. In our conditions, a bunch of cherries yields up to 150-300 kg. Cherries grown in Uzbekistan contain 12.2% sugar; Contains 0.23% of various acids and vitamins C and A, pectin, vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, coratin, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron salts. The seeds contain up to 30% oil and 1% essential oil.

There are many varieties of cherries and they are mainly divided into two groups: fleshy juicy, fleshy sour, canned and edible bigarro cherries.


  1. Cherry eliminates the problem of constipation.

This is because once this food is consumed, it accelerates the internal workings in the body, and the metabolism in the repair is served by the architects.

  1. In baking, cherry powers strengthen immunity in both children and adults.

Doctors recommend working properly in fruit and vegetable growers during the ripening season, which is an extraordinary help, as it contains a lot of organisms that protect against various infections and new immunity.

  1. Consumption of a portion of cherries 2-3 times a day significantly reduces the amount of cholesterol in the human blood, as well as prevents the formation of cholesterol nodules.
  2. Skin diseases such as “nervous” “psoriasis” and “eczema” can be treated with cherries. In this case, cherries as an adjunct in the treatment of the disease helps to get rid of these diseases faster, consuming it alone can not completely get rid of the disease, can not completely replace the drugs prescribed by a doctor.
  3. If a person has less hemoglobin and anemia diagnosis, very this fruit helps to treat all of them. Such kind of people should not prohibit eating a cherry, oppositely if one start eating it during the week, they can not only rescue illness, but also raise their immune system.
  4. Pregnant women who experience early toxicosis can get rid of this condition by consuming cherries. As mentioned above, doctors refrain from consuming too many cherries to prevent excess swelling in the body and strain the kidneys. That’s why, such kind of women should eat 10 cherries a day normally.
  5. People with hypertension who have high blood pressure should eat cherry for improving their health. During the ripening season eating cherries regularly helps to keep blood pressure normal.
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