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The family of persimmon (Diospyros L.) includes about 200 species. In the subtropical regions, the Caucasian, Virgin, and Eastern species of the date palm trees are found. The palm tree is long-lived - 100 years or more.

Persimmon is a subtropical fruit plant, the fruits of which have a unique dietary and medicinal properties. Persimmon has a nutritious, juicy, sweet taste and contain 17-20% of glucose and fructose. Persimmon is a good remedy for ulcers (ulcers), anemia, diseases associated with iodine deficiency. Persimmon is also used in the canning and confectionery industries.

Oriental persimmon is also known as subtropical or Japanese persimmon, and ebens are a plant belonging to the family Diospyros of the family Ebenaceae. In the subtropical horticulture of Uzbekistan, the following three persimmon of the Diospyros family are:

  1. Caucasian persimmon - D. Lotus L.,
  2. Virgin persimmon - D.Virjiniana L.,
  3. Oriental persimmon - D.kaki L.

Caucasian persimmon. In the subtropical products of Uzbekistan, in particular, in the thickets intended to obtain information about Harisor, the plant, which grows in the wild, is also known as "Sapsan".

The tree is of medium height, the body is round in shape, a deciduous plant in winter. The leaves are elliptic, elongated, hairy at the bottom, bisexual, the flowers are white-reddish, small, the female flowers are solitary, the male flowers are three flowers, forming a single flower.

Virgin persimmon. Rare in Uzbekistan. In winter, it is a deciduous tree, 12-18 meters tall, with a broad body, broad round or pyramidal shape. Its height in the southwestern provinces of the United States is 25 meters. The branches are smooth, bent in a tree. The leaves are oval, the tips are sharp, dark green, the top is glossy, greenish-gray, the base is hairy. The male flowers are small, three flowers arranged in a single inflorescence; The female flowers are large, located nearby. The color of the flower ranges from white to yellow and white. In the south of Uzbekistan, Virgin persimmon blooms in the second half of May. Pollination is mainly anemophilic, i.e. using wind.

Oriental persimmon. It contains more than 800 different varieties. In the wild, it is found in the central and western mountain ranges of China at an altitude of 900-1000 meters above the sea. Oriental persimmon is naturally distributed mainly in central China. The climate of this region is hot and humid in summer and mild and humid in winter. Winter temperatures are -2, -3 degrees below zero. The growing area of ​​the Cultural Oriental date palm is much wider and has a different climate. In regions where Eastern persimmon grows, the cold can drop to -20 degrees, which is a dangerous limit for Eastern persimmon.

The tree of the eastern date palm is deciduous in winter, its height is mainly 6-8 meters, some 12-15 meters, the body has a spherical pyramidal, arched shape. Young shoots are brown and have fine hairs. The color of most twigs is light or dark gray, the twig and body are smooth or linear. The leaves are dark green, elliptical or oval in shape, the upper part is glossy light green and the lower part is hairy. During the autumn treasury, it turns red or fiery.

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