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Nitric acid concentrated (HNO3)

  • Product category: Chemical products

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Small description

Method for the manufacture of concentrated nitric acid - magnesium nitrate.

Concentrated nitric acid is produced in two grades: "A" and "B".

Grade "A" is used in the production of electronic and radio-electronic products, in the processes of nitration of organic compounds, in the production of explosives ns six, in the chemical processing of metals, in the medical industry, and in the production of plastics.

Grade "B" is used for galvanic works, in the production of chemical reagents, for dissolving impurities of chemical products, in the processes of nitration of organic compounds, and in the production of explosives.

Technical requirements

Name of the indicators




Mass fraction of nitric acid, %, not less than



Mass fraction of weoric acid, %, no more



Mass fraction of nitrogen oxides (N2O4), %, no more



Mass fraction of residue after calcination, %, no more



Safety requirements: concentrated nitric acid, non-flammable, flammable liquid, strong oxidizing agent. In contact with many materials causes their spontaneous combustion, smokes heavily in air. If it comes into contact with the skin, concentrated nitric acid causes severe burns. Fumes of nitric acid and nitrogen oxides irritate the upper respiratory tract, cause conjunctivitis and affect the corneas of the eyes. Concentrated nitric acid and nitrogen oxides are classified as moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3) in terms of toxicity.

Packing: poured into special tanks made of aluminum, into aluminum barrels.

Transportation: in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods by rail in special aluminum tanks; by road in aluminum drums, as well as by pipeline.

Storage: in aluminum or steel containers.

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