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  • Product category:Fruits

  • View (Varieties): Khachiya

Small description

Description: variable, the tree is large, fast-growing, the body is pyramidal, well developed. The variety has only female flowers. The best pollinator for this variety is Zendji-Maru. The shape of the fruit is elongated, conical, the upper part is glossy, the color of the fruit is dark orange, almost red. The flesh of the fruit is reddish, juicy, sweet. There are almost no seeds in the fruit, but some may have 1-3. The shelf life of the fruit is average and is selected within 2-3 months. The fruit contains 17-18% sugar and 0.05-0.10% acid. Khachiya is one of the best varieties for drying fruits.

Fruit weight: The fruits are large, weighing 200 g and more.

Yield: 60-90 kg per tree, average yield 150-250 cwt/ ha.

Ripening period: This variety belongs to the early ripening category and begins to break off from the bush in early October and is fully consumed in November.

Creation: Japan.

Distribution: Namangan, Fergana, Andijan, Surkhandarya regions

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