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Uzbekistan was the former Soviet Union's largest producer of fruits and vegetables. About 15% of the total area is crop land. During the Soviet era, cotton was grown on almost half of all sown land. Cotton is grown in the crescent beginning in the Fergana Valley and extending south along the Tien Shan Mountains to Samarkand and Bokhara, and then west along the Amu Darya River. Rice, wheat, barley, and corn are important grain crops. Rice is produced on 48 specialized state farms, and about 85% of the rice crop comes from the southwestern part of Karakalpakistan and the Khorezm region. In 1999, over 4.3 million tons of cereals were produced. Sesame, tobacco, onions, flax, and various fruits are also grown. Figures released by the agriculture and water ministry suggest that these two northern regions alone were responsible for three-quarters of the 75,500 tonnes of rice Uzbekistan produced in 2003. The economy of Khorezm Region is primarily based on cotton. Cotton is by far the main crop, although rice production has increased significantly in the last several years (though the Uzbek government discourages rice production near to deserts, over water usage concerns). There are also many orchards and vineyards, melon and gourd plantations and potato fields. Khorezm Region is famous for its "gurvak" melon in Uzbekistan. Rice is grown in summer under flood irrigation mostly with winter wheat. The Uzbek Research Institute of Rice (UzRI-Rice) is responsible for rice crop improvement and seed production. The Institute was established in 1971 with the main objectives to conduct basic and applied research on rice and legume crops; to provide basic information and research production problems using multidisciplinary approach; to increase overall rice production and improve grain quality in Uzbekistan thereby raising the living standard of farmers and the development of the nation.

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