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Khorezm is one of the most ancient historical and cultural regions of Central Asia. 

The agrarian sector is mainly developed in the province, and it produces 280-290 thousand tons per year, that is 7% of the cotton raw material grown in the republic. Cotton is by far the main crop, although rice production has increased significantly in the last several years. (though the Uzbek government discourages rice production near to deserts, over water usage concerns) There are also many orchards and vineyards, melon and gourd plantations and potato fields. Khorezm Region is famous for its "gurvak" melon in Uzbekistan. Industry is also heavily oriented to cotton, with cotton refining, cottonseed oil extraction and textiles predominating. Khorezm is a place where many famous scholars were born, such as Abu Rayhan Biruni and al-Khwārizmī. The region has a well-developed transportation infrastructure, with over 130 km of railways and 2000 km of surfaced roads. The region is connected by rail to European Russia and the Caucasus.

Khorezm region has its own rich resources for the development of ecotourism. It attracts the attention of foreigners for its unique beautiful nature and landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, as well as rare, world-famous archaeological finds. As mentioned above, the fauna of the region is very diverse, including 21 species of mammals, 110 species of birds, 15 species of reptiles, 2 species of aquatic and terrestrial animals, 30 species of fish.

The heart of the region is Khiva - a unique open-air museum city, with more than 2,700 years old history. The historical center of Khiva is decorated with the famous Ichan-Kala fortress and the Dishan-Kala complex, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The pearls of Khiva are the Kalta Minor minaret, the Juma Mosque with 218 carved columns, the Islam Khoja minaret with a height of 56 meters, considered a symbol of Khiva, the Tash-Khauli Palace, the Kunya Ark fortress and the mausoleum of Pakhlavon Mahmud, the Nurullabay Palace, the Muhammad Aminkhan madrasah and many others.

Ichan Kala is the heart and soul of ancient Khiva. An open-air city and a unique repository of the oldest architectural monuments. In the very center of Ichan Kala, there is a unique spiritual institution of the early XX century. This is the Islam Khoja madrasah. The architectural ensemble consists of the madrasah itself and a minaret almost 45 meters high.

In addition, the Khorezm National Park is open for visits. For the convenience of visitors to the national park, 6 ecotourism routes have been developed. The total area of ​​the Khorezm National Park is 21687.5 hectares, it is located in the Khiva, Tuprokkala, Yangibazar, Urgench, and Khankaysk regions. On the territory of the national park, there are a number of unique plants and animals listed in the “Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

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