UzMiningExpo 2025
- Exhibition
- 03.01.2025

UzMiningExpo 2025
Date: Aprel 02 th - 04 th
Theme: 15th International specialized exhibition "Technologies and equipment for the mining industry"
City: Tashkent
Venue: Uzexpocentre
About "UzMiningExpo":
The 15th international specialized exhibition "UzMiningExpo 2025" will take place on April 2 to 4, 2025 within frame work of Uzbekistan Industrial forum in Central pavilion, Uzexpocenter. The exhibition is an important event in Mining Sector of Uzbekistan economics and will contribute to technologies’ improvement and technical modernization of mining and metallurgical industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The exhibition is organized with the aim to attract the leading international and domestic companies, operating in sphere of production and supplying of industrial equipment and technologies for mining industry. Participation in the exhibition is advanced method of demonstration of new materials, technologies and equipment, an excellent opportunity for establishment of business relations, consolidation of companies’ positions in Uzbekistan’s market and Central Asia region in the hole.
Natural resources: At present timeit’s exposed more 1.800 deposits and about 1.000 perspective occurrence of fossils, 118 kinds of mineral raw materials, from which 65 are developed in Uzbekistan. It is prospected more than 1.500 deposits, including 188 of oil, gas and condensate, 48 of noble metal, 43 of colored, less-common and radioactive metal, 5 of ferrous metal, 3 of coal, 37 of mining, 22 of mining-chemical and 30 of stone-semiprecious raw materials, 525 of building materials of different function and 357 of fresh and mineral underground waters. More than 40 % of explored deposits are involved in manufacturing.
The republic is first quintuple of world’s countries in supported reserve of gold, and in a level mining it is occupied the ninth place. Uzbekistan is in the top ten of world’s countries in reserve and mining of uranium. In its majority having reserves of mineral raw materials not only provide for acting mining complexes on long perspective, but allow increasing capacities, to organize the mining of the most important minerals – gold, uranium, copper, lead, silver, lithium, tungsten, zinc, phosphorites, potassium salt, feldspar, agrochemical ores and other.
Uzbek companies will attract more $22,973 billion during five years. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the Program of measures in realization of the most main projects in modernization, technical and technologicalre-equipment of the production for 2009-2014 years” is approved a number of investment projects, by which the sources of financing are determined and coordinated. These are 645 projects, dividing in eight main directions. The total cost of designated projects of realization is exceed of $ 22.973 billion, of which more than $ 15.394 billion will be spent on new construction, more than $ 6.419 billion – to the modernization and reconstruction of production facilities and about of $ 1.159 billion - for other purposes. The further development of fuel-energy, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries will attract more than $ 17.472 billion.
The largest volume of investment inflows will fall on the national holding company “Uzbekneftegaz” – it is more than $14,402 billion. State Joint Stock Company “Uzbekenergo” will acquire about $ 1 billion, continuing the construction of new generating capacities and transmission lines in rural areas. Leaders of the mining industry in Uzbekistan - Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat and Almalik Mining and Metallurgical Combinat will realize the modernization of technical equipment and mastering of new deposits in total cost $1,094 billion and $643 billion accordingly. The only enterprise of iron-and-steel industry in the region - Joint Production Association “Uzmetkombinat” will modernize its production in worth more than $ 67 billion. It will be directed $ 1.117 billion for the development of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and aviation industries.
Foundation of free industrial economic zone "Navoi" will be one of the major investment project of the country. The total amount of attracted investments in this sector is $ 188.1 million.
Exhibition sections:
- The modernist technologies, methods and tools for exploration and evaluation of mineral deposits
- Technologies and equipment for mining of minerals by open and underground methods
- Mineral processing equipment and processing of minerals
- Sorting, crushing equipment
- Drilling technique. Bores, hammers
- Mining and shaft machineries and equipment. Self-propelled mining machines. Loading haul vehicles, transport vehicles for the development of mountain tunnels penetrations (elevator lifts, conveyors, underground loaders and trucks)
- Transportation equipment
- Conveyor systems
- Earth-moving equipment
- Quarry equipment (diggers, bulldozers, graders, trucks, etc.)
- Auxiliary machineries and equipment. Parts. Explosives, detonation systems, charging equipment
- Instrumentation, Laboratory equipment
- Electrical equipment of mines and pits. Explosion-proof electrical equipment. Electric lighting equipment
- Control systems and prediction of gas flow in mines. Individual gas level sensor
- Ventilation of mines
- Environmental protection in mining
- Investment projects
- Engineering services in mining
- Fire fighting equipment, security tools
- Work clothes and protective equipment.