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Uzbekistan increases import of raw materials

  • News
  • 01.07.2024
Uzbekistan increases import of raw materials

In January-April 2024, Uzbekistan’s foreign trade turnover amounted to $20.87 billion, which is $1.16 billion, or 5.9%, more than in the same period in 2023, follows from the report of the Statistics Agency under the President.

Exports including gold increased by 9% – to $8.49 billion, excluding gold – $5.07 billion (+7.1%), imports – to $11.92 billion (+3.9%).

The foreign trade deficit decreased slightly and amounted to minus $3.89 billion, which is $238 million less than last year.

Imports fell for the second month in a row (possibly due to the high import base last year, when aircraft were imported in large quantities), despite a sharp increase in the country's energy supplies. In April it amounted to $2.94 billion, in March – $3.15 billion, in February – $3.2 billion. This is also the lowest figure since July last year ($2.99 billion). At the same time, it is higher than imports for April 2023 ($2.82 billion).

In parallel with this, exports excluding non-monetary gold also decreased – to $1,347.8 billion (in March - $1.41 billion).

Energy resources

Since the beginning of the year, Uzbekistan has imported more oil and petroleum products - $788.3 million, which is 26.8% more than in the same period last year ($621.7 million). The bulk of deliveries occurred in March ($244 million) and April ($241.4 million).

At the same time, exports of these products increased 2.8 times - up to $179.4 million compared to January-April 2023 ($64.4 million).

The statistics agency does not disclose the detailed category of goods, which is why it is impossible to know what volume is accounted for by oil, gasoline, diesel and other fuels.

Uzbekistan also increased gas imports by 3 times - to 462.8 million dollars, reducing exports by more than 2 times – to 52.3 million dollars (more on this).

Supplies to the country of coal increased - up to 63.3 million dollars (+15.7%) and electricity – up to 67.8 million dollars (+39.5%).

Trade in other products

Imports of grains and products from them in value terms decreased to $293.4 million (-43.6%), sugar and honey – $177.6 million (-5.6%), dairy products and eggs – 58.5 million dollars (-14.8%), vegetable oil and fats - $98.3 million (-20.5%), including due to a decrease in world food prices.

At the same time, Uzbekistan increased imports of vegetables and fruits – $180.7 million (+45.3%), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices - $121 million (+3.3%), meat and meat products – $118.1 million (+36.1%), live animals – $48.5 million (+41.8%), drinks – $52.7 million (+69.5%),

It is noteworthy that supplies of medical and pharmaceutical products to the country increased - $635.4 million (+21.3%).

In March-April, car supplies increased to $785.2 million (+4.6%), including passenger cars – $577.9 million (+41.6%), but the volume of imports decreased for the fourth month in a row, reaching in April, $121.2 million (passenger cars – up to $87.3 million, which is the minimum since June last year – $49.1 million). For comparison: in March, deliveries amounted to $144.8 million, in February – $216.8 million, in January – $302.4 million, in December – $374.2 million, and passenger cars – 107.5 million, 160.3 million and 222.8 million dollars, respectively.

Exports of non-ferrous metals (non-ferrous metals collectively refer to all metals except iron, manganese and chromium, which also include copper) increased to $447.6 million, which is 6.9% more than the same period last year.

All information taken from www.kun.uz