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Small description

Scallions (also known as green onions and spring onions) are edible vegetables of various species in the genus Allium. Scallions generally have a milder taste than most onions. Their close relatives include garlic, shallots, leeks, chives, and Chinese onions.

Green onions and scallions are different names for the same thing! They are either harvested very young from the regular bulb-forming onions we are familiar with, or they can come from other varieties that actually never form bulbs. Scallions are long, with a white stem end that does not bulge out.

They are great for flavoring dips, sauces, relishes and salsas. They are excellent chopped and tossed in salads, stir-fries and omelets. The green tops make a perfect chive substitute. Try charring green onions on the grill for a zesty flavor.

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