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  • Product category:Textile

  • View (Varieties): Nylon

Small description

Purpose: Textured

Raw Material: Polyester / Polyamide / Microfilament

Fiber dyes: Active

Color: Enterprise color base map; according to physical pattern

Number of additions: from 2 to 8

Name of product


Yarn count (Ne, Den, tex)

140 Den,  150 Den

Package shape


Textured threads are elastic, well-stretching threads. With the help of an overlock, they process the edges of products, they are used for sewing gum inside and sewing knitwear. Due to their structure, the threads look “fluffy”, synthetic materials are used for their production. The appearance of textured threads is no different from natural ones, but the wear resistance is much higher. They are often called monofilament or foam.

Classification of textured threads by raw material:

Polyester is the most common type. The volume of production of such fibers exceeds the rest of the types combined. The main advantages of threads:

  • different degree of strength;
  • high level of wear resistance;
  • stable structure does not lead to fiber shrinkage;
  • after deformation, finished products can easily be brought back to their original shape;
  • heat resistance;
  • minimum waste, which serve as secondary raw materials.

Threads are the basis for the production of thin fabrics, ropes, ribbons, knitwear, cords.

Polyamide - these threads are more durable. Of the minuses - increased electrification. From the light turn yellow and lose elasticity. To prevent this, stabilizers will be attached to the threads. Polyamide yarns are used for the production of braid, upholstery and floor coverings, stockings, socks.

Microfilament - combined the best properties of polyamide and polyester threads. Great for home textiles, sports uniforms, special purpose fabrics.

Fabrics created from textured threads do not differ in appearance from natural materials, but they are significantly superior in quality. They are able to withstand heavy loads, do not lose their original appearance during processing. In the modern world, it will not be difficult to buy such fabrics. Carpets, blankets, knitted and textile products, artificial fur are produced from them. The production of clothing has proven itself well. Products withstand a huge number of washings, elastic, do not shrink, pleasant to the touch.

The porous structure of fabrics separates sweat droplets and increases their evaporation. Breathable fibers provide excellent protection from the weather, they do not get wet and are not blown. Monofilament fabric is used as a material for thermal underwear, suits for sports and outdoor activities.

The increased extensibility of the threads makes it possible to process elastic materials. They overcast the edges of fabrics, use for overlock.

Fabrics made from textured threads do not require special care. They are highly durable, resistant to fire and moisture. That is why they have proven themselves in the automotive and electrical industries. They are used to make suits for firefighters and oil workers.

The need for structured threads is only growing every year. In this regard, the existing methods of production will not only be improved, but also expanded. Technological progress is directed to the mechanization and automation of equipment, the creation of new texturing technologies, increased productivity, and the combination of several processes on one unit.

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