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Small description

Description: The variety is late ripening, the tree is tall, pyramidal at a young age, scattered in adulthood. The tree bears fruit in the fourth year after planting, the fruit is large, the flesh is orange, moderately juicy, the taste is sour-sweet, the seeds are well separated from the flesh, the taste value of the fruit when ripe - 4.7 points.

Average weight of fruit: 43 g.

Yield: per tree 95 kg.

Ripening period: second decade of September.

Creation: Created at the Samarkand scientific-experimental station of the Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Enology named after Academician M. Mirzaev. Author: V.P. Chernovalova.

Distribution: Navoi, Samarkand, Surkhandarya regions.


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