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  • Product category:Fruits

  • View (Varieties): Sari Guzal

Small description

Description: It ripens in summer. The average height of this variety of pear tree is 5.5-6.0 m, the branches are broad and round, the leaves are large, elliptical, green in color, smooth. It is harvested in the sixth or seventh year.

The fruit is large, noxious, light green in color, reddish in some areas, average weight 230 g. The flesh is white-yellow, juicy, the fruit is sour-sweet. Taste rating of ripe fruit - 4.5 points.

Ripening period: July.

Fruit weight: average 230 g.

Yield: 486.4 cwt/ ha.

Creation: Uzbekistan. Created at the Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Enology named after Academician M. Mirzaev. Author: S.K. Sharipov.

Cultivated regions: Bukhara, Tashkent, Fergana, Andijan, Namangan regions.

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