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  • Product category:Fruits

  • View (Varieties): Muyassar

Small description

Description: The tree is of medium height, the branches are round. The fruits are large, the same size, round-oval. The skin is thin, hairless (nectarine), light yellow to dark red with a wide spread of spots. It also has a sweet taste and a little sharp sourness. Taste rating - 4.5 points. The fruits contain 18% dry matter, 12.5% ​​total sugar, 0.56% acid, 13 mg /% vitamin C (ascobic acid). The variety can be used as a freshly picked fruit, as well as for processing (compote, jam, etc.). The dried product yields 20%. It is harvested in the second or third year. The fruits are suitable for transportation.

Weight: 150 g

Yield: 220-280 cwt/ ha.

Ripening period: first decade of August

Creation: local variety

Distribution: Fergana region

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