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  • Product category:Fruits

  • View (Varieties): Hilola

Small description

Description: Peach trees are strong-growing, the branches are large round in shape and of medium thickness. The seedlings are harvested in the second or third year after planting. It ripe in the first ten days of August. This variety is a universal variety for consumption and processing. From the fruits can be made high-quality compote and jams. The fruits are large, similar, round in shape, the sides of the fruits are slightly compressed, the skin of the fruit is of medium thickness and moderately hairy.

The main color is yellow, the color of the coating is dark red, the flesh is yellow, soft fibrous, sweet-sour taste. The kernels are well separated from the flesh of the fruit, forming an average. It has high durable for winter and is superior to other varieties. The variety is recommended for planting in the Fergana Valley.

Weight: 120 g.

Yield: 170-180 cwt/ ha

Ripening period: July-August.

Creation: Created by selecting seedlings obtained as a result of free pollination of the Uspex variety at the Botanical Research Institute. Author: K.I. Baymetov.

Distribution: Fergana region

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