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Viticulture is one of the oldest profitable sectors of agriculture in the country. Favorable natural and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan allow to grow grapes of different dates, the earliest and the latest.

Vine is a valuable subtropical plant. Its fruit is the most essential product for the human body in terms of its diet and nutrition. In the composition of ripe grapes, especially in raisin varieties 28-30% contains glucose, fructose and sucrose, which are rapidly absorbed by the body.

Fructose is rapidly absorbed without the involvement of the pancreas. Therefore, it is important in the prevention of diabetes. Fresh grapes also contain apple, wine, lemon, amber, ant and many other organic acids, potassium salts such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, pigments, which are necessary for human health. There are double substances.

Grapes are rich in vitamins A, C, P, PP, B1, B2, B6, B12. The amount of group B vitamins and amino acids stored depends on the ripening period of the grape variety, seed or seedless of the bunches, the strength of the vine, weather conditions and methods of care. Scientists have observed that group B vitamins, amino acids and trace elements accumulate more in late grape varieties.

The healing properties of grapes have long been known and widely used in medicine in the treatment of various diseases (tuberculosis, anemia, low energy, gastrointestinal, urinary tract, heart disease, etc.). A new scientifically based direction of treatment with grapes ampelotherapy (Greek ampelos grape, therapela treatment) is widely used in medicine.

Grape juice is an invaluable food, especially for young children and the elderly. It has properties such as improving metabolism in the body, dilating blood vessels, improving liver function, nourishing the heart muscle, cleansing and increasing blood flow.

According to K.V. Smirnov and other scientists, the capacity of 1 liter of fresh grape juice is equal to 1.7 liters of milk, compared to cow's ,650 g. beef, 1 kg fish, 300 g cheese, 500 g bread, 3-5 eggs, 1.2 kg of potatoes, 3.5 kg tomatoes, 1.5 kg apples, pears or peaches.

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