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  • Product category:Fruits

  • View (Varieties): Kazaki anor

Small description

Description: its shrub is medium, rounded, enters the harvest in the second year. Good structure gives the highest yields in deep fertile soils. Resistant to salt and cold, resistant to pests and diseases. The fruits are medium-sized, bluish-yellow. The juice of the fruit is dark red with a raspberry tinge, the taste is sour-sweet, very tasty. The full value at the time of ripening is 4.4 points.

Weight: 300-400 gr

Yield: average 92 cwt/ ha , maximum 150.8 cwt/ ha.

Ripening period: late September-October

Creation: Uzbekistan. Local variety.

Distribution: Andijan, Namangan, Fergana, Bukhara, Navoi, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Syrdarya regions

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