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Small description

This variety ripens in autumn, the average height of the tree is 3-4 m, the branches are round-ovate. A high-yielding variety that enters the early harvest. Flour is resistant to dew and squid diseases. Seedlings are harvested in 3–4 years after planting.

The shape of the fruit is elongated or round, yellowish-golden in color. The skin of the fruit has gray spots and some have rusty spots.

The fruits are well stored until January-February, resistant to transportation. Fruits that are not harvested in time will rot during storage.

The flesh of the fruit is pale yellow, very tender, the taste is sour-sweet, fragrant. Taste rating of ripe fruit - 4.7 points.

Ripening period: September

Fruit weight: 150-170 g.

Yield: 291.7 cwt/ ha, maximum 514 cwt/ ha.

Creation: the USA.

Cultivated regions: Tashkent, Namangan, Andijan, Fergana, Jizzakh, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya.

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