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Company profile




«Navoiyazot» JSC

Business type


Main products

Chemical products

Year established


Total employees


Country/ region

Navoi, Uzbekistan


51,4 % - “Uzkimyosanoat” JSC

49,6% - Agency for the Management           of State Assets of the Republic of Uzbekistan 

Occupied area, ha

46 411,7



Main markets




«Navoiyazot» JSC is one of the largest enterprises in the chemical industry in Uzbekistan, engaged in the processing of natural gas into mineral fertilizers, the production of chemicals for gold mining and low-tonnage chemicals. In the main areas of its activity, the Company occupies a leading position in the national market. Every day our products are bought by millions of consumers in 10 countries around the world, improving the quality of their lives. Every day more than 7,000 people join their efforts and talent to ensure «Navoiyazot» JSC is a leading position in the market.

Joint Stock Company "Navoiyazot" is an enterprise, the life and history of which is inextricably linked with the life and history of Uzbekistan. Thousands of people flock to his entrance every day. These are people of various professions, but they are united by one business, one love for this business, from a leader to a simple worker.

Today JSC "Navoiyazot" is a dynamically developing diversified industrial and production complex, which, having the status of an international partner, carries out a program for the production of mineral fertilizers, chemical reagents and other low-tonnage chemical products.

Being one of the basic segments of the Joint Stock Company "Uzkimyosanoat", which produces more than 30% of the volume of all chemical products of Uzbekistan, JSC "Navoiyazot" covers the needs of almost all industries, transport, agriculture, the fuel and energy complex, as well as services, trade, science , culture and education.

One of the main goals of the enterprise is compliance with high standards of product quality and consumer requirements, in connection with which we were one of the first in the Republic to introduce an international quality management system, which is a guarantor of compliance with technological regulations when manufacturing products by the enterprise and confirms its compliance with quality requirements products and products, the ability of the company's specialists to manage production at the level of world standards, increases the authority and its business reputation at the republican and international levels.

Today, the divisions of JSC "Navoiyazot" carry out a completed production cycle. New technologies are being mastered here, automated production and management systems are being introduced, existing complexes are being modernized, new production facilities are being built.

Currently, the company has risen to a new level of development and is confidently moving forward in a market economy. In terms of power, progressive nature of equipment and technology, courage of innovative scientifically based thought, cohesion, high professionalism of workers and engineers, Navoiyazot JSC serves as a model for many enterprises, being the pride of independent Uzbekistan.

The most important value of the enterprise is highly qualified specialists, in connection with which one of its main goals is training of personnel, creating conditions for the constant growth of qualifications and professionalism of employees. Important importance is attached to social policy aimed at improving work efficiency, creating conditions for social protection of employees and stability in a team of about 10 thousand people.

Comprehensive care for children, their development and health is the key to a successful step into tomorrow. Looking over the horizons of the future and systematically forming a creative platform for the younger generation, Navoiyazot JSC also takes good care of its past. The subject of our concern is the least protected strata of the population, these are pensioners, veterans and participants in the war and labor front, enterprise veterans, the disabled and professional patients. They are paid annually with material assistance, they have the opportunity to rest and improve their health in institutions of a sanatorium-resort type. A humane, kind attitude towards people, this is a distinctive feature of JSC "Navoiyazot" and it was laid from the very beginning, from the very beginning.

Over the past years, the staff of JSC "Navoiyazot" with honor passed all the tests, passed all the exams offered by life perfectly well, and if you derive a formula for the success of the life of the enterprise, then it will be new technologies, continuous development, product quality, management and reputation, the team is a team of like-minded people from a simple worker to the head of an enterprise, each of whom can proudly say: JSC "Navoiyazot" is my destiny. These are the people who, by their labor, turned Kyzylkum into a flourishing land, Navoi region into an advanced economic region, who won the respect and gratitude of their people, their homeland - the Republic of Uzbekistan.



Address: Uzbekistan, Navoi city, Navoi-5, 210105, Uzbekistan

Contacts: +998 79 229 22 02; +998 79 229 18 22; +998 79 229 22 00

Fax: +998 79 223 75 80

Email: office@navoiyazot.uz 

Website: www.navoiyazot.uz