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  • Product category: Spices

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Small description

Sesame is a family of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, an oilseed crop. Homeland - Africa. The stem grows upright, gives off 4-6 long lateral branches. Leaves are simple, crowded, solitary or opposite, hairy. The flower is 1-3 in the leaf axil, 5-petaled. The fruit is small, elongated, flat, hairy. There are 20-300 pods in one bush. The pod is 2- or 4-lobed.

Length 3-5 cm. The weight of 1000 seeds is 2-5 g. The color of the seed is light or dark brown, sometimes white and black. Sesame is a heat-loving, light-loving, short-day plant. The seed germinates at 15-16°С. The growing period is 90-110 (120-150) days.

Sesame is one of the most valuable oil crops, its seeds contain 65% oil, 16-19% protein, and 16-17% non-nitrogenous substances. Sesame grows abundantly on fertile, fertile land that has been freed from grain crops. Cultivation is carried out 2-3 times during the growing season, additional feeding is given twice with 40-50 kg of nitrogen per hectare. Water 1-2 times before flowering, 2 times during flowering.

Currently, 3 varieties of sesame are grown in Uzbekistan.

  • Black prince;
  • Tashkentsky -122;
  • Sadaf.

Regions recommended for planting: since 2012, it has been included in the State Register for planting on irrigated lands across the Republic.

The average height of the plant is 120-150 cm. The average vegetation period is 110-120 days. The average weight of 1000 seeds is 2.6-3.0 g, the seeds are black. Resistant to grain spillage.

Average yield: 17.6 s/ha. The amount of fat in the grain is 63%, oxyle is 24%. During the test period, there were no cases of damage by agricultural diseases and insects.

Recommended for planting in all regions of Uzbekistan.

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