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The statistics of exported products in 3 months

  • News
  • 01.05.2024
The statistics of exported products in 3 months

Statistics Agency provided information on how many fruit and vegetable products were exported in Uzbekistan in 3 months.

In January-March, 5.8 thousand tons of dried plums were exported, while the export volume of grapes reached 5.1 thousand tons.


grapes (dried) - 10.2 thousand tons
tomatoes - 8 thousand tons
cabbage - 94 thousand tons
onion - 103 thousand tons
mash - 22.1 thousand tons
carrots - 36.7 thousand tons
millet - 5.1 thousand tons
cucumbers - 2 thousand tons
peanuts - 3 thousand tons
pepper - 2.1 thousand tons

All information taken from: stat.uz