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  • Product category:Vegetables

  • View (Varieties): Bakhodir

Small description

Description: Medium-ripe variety, its tuft is determinant in type, stem, low 60-70 cm, branching and leafing average. Its stems are hairy, light green, its flowers are large, pollination at high temperatures and its fruit set slows down. The leaves are dark green, many-folded. The fruit is flat round, smooth surface, fleshy, raspberry, low-seeded, very sweet, tasting 5.0 points. The dry matter content is 6.0%. Heat resistant.

Growth period: 115-120 days

Weight: Fruits are very large, 300-400 g

Yield: 35-40 t / ha

Ripening period: depending on planting dates

Distribution: Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm region

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